Silagra is the medication that is launched by the Cipla pharmaceuticals that facilitates the blood supply in the penis and treats the erectile dysfunction. Silagra improves the sexual appetite of an individual and helps him make his sexual encounter from boring to the sensuous and passionate. The most important thing for the men to make their sexual encounter sensuous is the erect and hard penis for the long time, Silagra helps the men to get the strong and hard erection and hold it too for the long time during the sexual activity. It is not necessary that only the men suffering with the erectile dysfunction should only take Silagra. Anyone who wants to make their sexual experiences more and more enjoyable can take the Silagra. Men from the any age group can take the dose of the Silagra, but please remember to take it 1 hour prior to the sexual activity to see the best results.
Silagra combats the erectile dysfunction in men without considering the cause of it and irrespective of the age of the man. When men are unable to get the erection of sustain the erection persistently during the sexual encounter then he is said to be suffering with the erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is found to the caused by the inadequate supply of the blood to the penis during the sexual activity. Erectile dysfunction is also been linked to the diabetes, blood pressure, heart disorders. These diseases are said to be the primary cause of the erectile dysfunction, whereas sometimes erectile dysfunction is found to be the marker of these diseases. Nearly 70% of the men worldwide suffer from the erectile dysfunction. The life of the men is found to devastated considerable due to the erectile dysfunction as they lose the erection in between the sexual activity. The sexual intercourse nearly becomes impossible for the men who are suffering with the erectile dysfunction.
Silagra makes it possible for the men to enjoy the sexual activity for 4 to 6 hours with a single dosage. Silagra is the generic replica of the branded Viagra that is introduced in the market by the Cipla. Silagra functions exactly like the branded Viagra in treating the erectile dysfunction. Along with the treatment of the erectile dysfunction, Silagra also improves the sexual appetite of an individual. This helps the men impress their partner in the bed and make their sexual encounter more passionate and satisfactory. Silagra is very low in price in comparison to the branded Viagra, but the quality of Silagra is very excellent. Silagra while treating the erectile dysfunction shows side effects like nausea, headaches, or blurred vision. Please ensure that you never take the Silagra with the drugs containing nitrate compounds because it may lead to the hazardous impacts on your health.
Silagra is the medicines that shows the very good improvement in the erectile function of the men who are suffering with the erectile dysfunction. Literally, Impotence can make one's life hellish. Every man suffers from erection problem on some occasion in his life. Not necessarily due to a physical problem, it can also take place because of psychological reasons like stress or anxiety. Silagra overcomes the erectile dysfunction in men irrespective of the reason for it. Persons with heart problems, diabetes, allergy, hypertension and blood pressure should seek medical advice prior to its use and should see doctor immediately if Silagra is taken by mistake.
Silagra works as the inhibitor of the enzyme phosphodiesterase 5 that is the major cause of the erectile dysfunction in men. Silagra also stimulates the blood supply to the penis by increasing the amount of the enzyme guanoyl monophosphatase in the penile region. Silagra also holds the blood for the more time in the penis, as result men are able to hold the strong and hard erection for the sufficient amount of time during the sexual intercourse. Thus, men can use the Silagra in order to make their sexual life sensuous.