Sex is more alluring at 60 because there is no fear of pregnancy, no need for birth control (if in a monogamous relationship and no venereal diseases), no worry about the kids overhearing, more time to each other as child rearing is voluntary (grand parenting), even more time if you are retired (think of how many times couples say, "not tonight honey, I'm too tired"), while men take longer to get an erection and it isn't as firm, many men have more control and last longer, it's the difference between guzzling beer and savoring a fine wine, it's real cooking instead of microwave cooking. Thus, these all things help in having sex at the age of 60. Thus, we can conclude that men have better sex at 60 than 30.
You must have heard that “Practice makes the men perfect” but latest addition to this is that “Experience makes the men experts.” Men with the older age may be facing the problems with their sex but because of their experience they still enjoy a very satisfactory sex life. Believe it or not, sex has got nothing to do with the age. Old wine tastes well and the same theory should be followed with the sex. Experts say that more satisfactory sex as you age more. Sex at 60 is suddenly swinging, and many more 60-year-olds - men and women - are sexually active compared with men and women in their thirties. The new trend is to say sixties as sexy sixties.
Men in their seventh decade are less likely to have erectile dysfunction than men the same age 30 years ago, while women aged 60 are much more likely to report having orgasms. An increasing number of 60 year olds are having good sex and more often, and women in this age group are particularly satisfied with their sex lives, according to a study published in one of the leading journals. Nurses or doctors interviewed one group of participants that included the men and women above the age of 60. The results showed a very strong correlation between men getting older and reduced sexual functioning, but not between age and sexual satisfaction. The percentage of sexual satisfaction was observed to be more in the men over the 60 than the men in their 30’s.
The study concluded that over the thirty year period the number of 70 year olds of both sexes reporting sexual intercourse increased: married men from 52% to 68%, married women from 38% to 56%, unmarried men from 30% to 54%, and unmarried women from 0.8% to 12%. Men were able to satisfy their partners sexually more easily than when they were young in their thirties. They also note that the number of men reporting erectile dysfunction deceased, whereas the proportion reporting ejaculation dysfunction increased, but the proportion reporting premature ejaculation did not change. This doesn’t mean that their sex life was affected. Men and their partners used to laugh when men loses his erection while going for the sexual intercourse. So we finally came to know that original fact that oldies are more sexually active than the young ones.
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