Watch out for those men eating the watermelon rind at the weekend barbecue! Texas A&M University researchers have found eating watermelon rind may have similar effects to Viagra. Summer celebrations are usually accompanied by a watermelon somewhere, although now it may not only be eaten as a cool sweet treat, but eaten to set off a few fireworks later on. Though the fireworks may not last long, the extra juice may add a little punch to the celebration.
While not a medical treatment, the effects of the watermelon rind may add some special effects to your sex life. Citrulline, the main ingredient that lends these effects, is found in the flesh and rind of watermelons. Scientist with one of the nation's top producers of seedless watermelons explained that citrulline produces a compound that helps to relax blood vessels similar to the effects of Viagra. Through a reaction between citrulline and enzymes in the body large quantities of watermelon will result in arginine. Arginine has several important functions, such as helping the healing of wounds, the functions of the body's immune system, removing ammonia from the body, the release of hormones and, for treatment of erectile dysfunction, relaxation of blood vessels.
Penelope Perkins-Veazie, a USDA researcher, stated that all colors and types of watermelon contain citrulline, but the yellow ones are the most concentrated. She also explained that men would have to eat several cups of watermelon to raise the body's arginine level. Before you eat enough to reap these benefits, you may be running to the restroom due to the high water content of the watermelon. You may also receive a sugar rush from that much watermelon and experience stomach cramps.
Experts feel while the results of the study are interesting and may lead to treatments for several conditions, there is more research needed, especially before naming watermelon as erectile dysfunction treatment.
Wow! Wouldn't it be nice to know in the future we may be able to eat some watermelon and add a little spice to our sex life? Watermelon farmers may begin looking to increase the citrulline contents in watermelon rind and even look to decrease the amount of sugar.
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